My diary

    21/07/24: Hi there! Welcome to my web! I'm VERY new to this and I'm still testing some things, as you probably can see. My site is pretty barebones right now But I have plenty of free time during this summer so I hope that, at the end of it, I'll have a beautiful time machine for the old Internet here!

    22/07/24: Ellooo!! I've finally added a proper guestbook! I've been racking my brain trying to make it from scratch, but I've decided not to bite more than I can chew (for the moment) and do it with another website. You can access it here.

    26/07/24: Hii! I'm taking a break from updating my web even though I want to, but the things that I want to add are more difficult than I thought hahah. But on another note, I'm catching up on old console emulators and I'm trying the GameCube one. I love it! I never had one when I was little, I only had DS and Wii, and trying games of my partner's childhood makes me very excited. Maybe I'll start the Recommendations section with the games I liked the most

    08/08/24: Hello there! Long time no see! I've been socializing a lot lately, and I haven't been able to dedicate much time to this web. But that's okay, because I'm having a great summer and I'm keeping myself entertained with a thousand things, including the wonderful world of emulators. I've tried many games (and the ones I have left), but my favorite is Animal Crossing! It brings back very good memories of my childhood, when I played the Wild World one on the DS, and it's the type of game that I always want to play: calm, colorful and with little animals running around. At the moment my house is like this, practically empty hahaha. But I'll add more things soon, I'm sure! Have a good August, see youuuu